Character Studies

Sesto, Vitellia, and the Space Between Binaries

December 14, 2017

Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito displays the damage that the heavy-handed, fearful binarization of gender can cause, and models a love based on true understanding.

Discovering Cherubino

March 15, 2017

Beaumarchais’s original text included detailed character notes: “Chérubin” was to be played as “a charming young scamp, diffident only in the presence of the Countess.”

Persona and Shadow: Jungian Archetype as Character

December 10, 2013

Ingmar Bergman's Persona (1966) ... Third, that Alma and Elisabet are the same woman: that woman experiencing a split personality, an existential crisis, a loss of purpose, or all three.

Character Analysis: Citizen Kane and Hamlet

October 24, 2013

Where Hamlet takes on a questionable mission to fill up his isolation, Kane strives to control others since he cannot control himself.